How to Migrate Follows and Blocks from Twitter to BlueskyIf you’re like me, and you’ve had just about enough of being on Twitter and would like to move to Bluesky, there’s a way to take your…Oct 18, 2024885Oct 18, 2024885
How’s PECO? My New Website Will Tell YouI’ve been pretty quiet on this blog, but I’ve been busy behind the scenes. One of the projects I’ve worked on is…Jul 23, 2024Jul 23, 2024
Behold! A QR Code Generator That Doesn’t Suck!Awhile ago, I got into QR Codes. I’ve found them increasingly handy because I could make QR codes based on documents that I had stored in…Mar 10, 202361Mar 10, 202361
Introducing Docker in VagrantIf you’re a Mac user, you have a few options for running Docker. Aside from Docker’s official client, there also exists Rancher Desktop and…Mar 8, 20233Mar 8, 20233
Displaying Your Wireless Network in the Touch Bar on a MacbookIf you have a Macbook laptop, you’re probably familiar with the touch bar. It’s a neat little LED display above the top row of your…Feb 18, 2023Feb 18, 2023
I Created an AI Chatbot of Gritty, and it is HorrifyingLiving 20 minutes from downtown Philadelphia, I’m a big fan of our hockey mascot, Gritty. Recently I’ve been playing around with a website…Feb 4, 2023Feb 4, 2023
Introducing FastAPI HttpbinI write a lot of back end code and sometimes have to make use of HTTP endpoints. Sometimes I want to test those endpoints. I used to use…Jan 29, 20231Jan 29, 20231
Hi, I wrote an open source project that may be useful to you! 9, 20221Nov 9, 20221
Hi, can I submit my QR Code generator for consideration?It can be found at 21, 202226Oct 21, 202226
Using the Makeresults in Command in SplunkIf you’re been reading this blog for awhile, you’ll know that I’m a big fan of Splunk, and I even went so far as to Dockerize it for use in…Jun 24, 2022Jun 24, 2022
Back Up Your Google Drive Files with RcloneGoogle Drive is one of my favorite apps for storing and editing documents and spreadsheets. If don’t currently use Google Drive in place of…Jan 9, 2022Jan 9, 2022
Learning Prometheus, Grafana, and Loki with DockerIf you’ve read this blog for any length of time, you’ll know that I’m a big fan of Splunk, and using Splunk to solve everyday problems. But…Dec 12, 2021Dec 12, 2021
Stupid UNIX Tricks: Find Videos You Posted To TwitterI’ve seen complaints pop up on Twitter that people are getting their accounts suspended over years old tweets that happen to contain…Aug 21, 2021Aug 21, 2021
It was very nice to see these storyboards along with the concept trailer!I just watched Wolfwalkers for the first time a few weeks ago, and have been going down a rabbit hole on both it and Irish mythology…Jul 15, 2021Jul 15, 2021
Getting the Most out of ObsidianIn Part 1, I wrote about how to get your data out of Evernote and into Obsidian. In this post, I’m going to cover how to get the most out…Apr 13, 20211Apr 13, 20211
Migrating Your Notes from Evernote to ObsidianIn this blog post, I’m going to talk about why I moved from Evernote to Obsidian, and walk through the process of doing so with the help…Mar 29, 20213Mar 29, 20213
Tarsplit: A Utility to Split Tarballs Into Multiple PartsTarsplit is a utility I wrote which can split UNIX tarfiles into multiple parts while keeping files in the tarballs intact. I specifically…Dec 24, 2020Dec 24, 2020
How To Start A Furry ConventionSo, you want to start a new furry convention! Great! We’ll never say no to a new event. And this is a topic I happen to know a little…Oct 28, 20201Oct 28, 20201